Legal notice
Corporate name: Carbonell Borja, S.L.
Trade name: Carbonell Borja
Domicilio social: C/ Joanot Martorell, 17
Registered office:
Domain name:
The provider, who is responsible for the website, places the present document at the disposal of the users, aimed to comply with the obligations under Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LISSEC), and advices all users on the website terms of use.
Anyone who accesses this website acquires the status of user, and as such undertakes to strictly observe and fulfil the clauses set out herein, as well as any other applicable legal clause.
The provider reserves the right to modify any kind of information that may appear on the website, and is not obliged to notify in advance or inform the users of these modifications, with publication on the provider's website being sufficient.
Trusted Third Party - Liability
The provider is exempt from any kind of liability arising from the information published on the website, as long as this information has been manipulated or entered by a third party.
The provider's website may use cookies (small information files the server sends to the computer of anyone who accesses the site) aimed to perform certain basic functions for the correct functioning and visualization of the website. In any case the cookies used on the website are temporary and solely for the purpose of making transmission more efficient, and disappear at the end of the session. Under no circumstances shall the cookies be used to gather personal information.
Users may be redirected from the client's website to content from third party websites. Since the provider cannot always control third party content, they accept no responsibility for such content. In any case, the provider declares that they will proceed to immediately remove any content that may contravene Spanish and international legislation, morals or public order, proceeding to immediately withdraw the link to that website and informing the competent authorities about the content in question.
The provider takes no responsibility for the information and content, including, but not limited to that stored in forums, chats, blog generators, commentaries, social networks or any other medium that allows third parties to independently publish content on the provider's website. Nevertheless, and in compliance with the stipulations of articles 11 and 16 of the LISSEC, the provider places at the disposal of all users, authorities and security forces, and will actively collaborate with the removal or if applicable blockage of any content that may affect or contravene Spanish or international legislation, the rights of third parties or morals and public order. In the event that the user feels that there is some content on the website that may be susceptible to this classification, they are asked to notify the website administrator immediately.
This website has been checked and verified to ensure it works properly. Normally, its correct functioning can be guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Nevertheless, the provider does not rule out the possibility of the existence of certain programming errors, or the occurrence of causes of force majeure, natural catastrophes, strikes or similar circumstances that make it impossible to access the website.
Data collection and protection of personal data
Personal data will be gathered through the forms submitted through the Carbonell Borja website, in order to carry out the requested services, and accepted by clients or users. Communications by Carbonell Borja will be given in accordance with the data provided by the user during registration to the website, and the user explicitly accepts that Carbonell Borja is allowed to send commercial and promotional communications to the email address provided. The user explicitly accepts the use of email as a valid procedure to address all communications related to the website.
Professional Confidentiality
All private communications between Carbonell Borja and clients/users will be considered confidential. Besides, confidentiality will be guaranteed in any information exchange by both parties, any information considered as confidential by both parties and any information regarding the confidential information.
Data Protection Regulation
In compliance with the current regulations on Data Protection and Information Society and Electronic Commerce, the user ACCEPTS that the personal data provided to Carbonell Borja will be incorporated into files belonging to Carbonell Borja, in order to facilitate the provision of the requested services, for the proper identification of the users that request customized services on the website, for the creation of statistics that allow the study aimed to provide better services, for the management of basic administration tasks, and to keep users informed, either by email or by any other means, about news, products, services and activities related to Carbonell Borja. In the event of commercial communications by email, the user expressly consents to the sending of advertising through said mean.
In accordance with the current regulation and as owners of their personal data, users may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, portability and opposition through email to The provider is strongly committed to the compliance of the Spanish data protection regulations and guarantees absolute fulfilment of the obligations established, as well as the implementation of the security measures provided in the current regulation.
Intellectual and Industrial Property
The website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, the designs, logos, texts, illustrations and / or graphics are the property of the provider or where applicable have the license or express authorization by the authors. All the contents of the website are duly protected by the rules of intellectual and industrial property, as well as registered in the corresponding public registers.
Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing, requires in any case prior written authorization by the provider. Any use not previously authorized by the provider will be considered a serious breach of the author's intellectual or industrial property rights.
The designs, logos, text and / or graphics unrelated to the provider and that may appear on the website, belong to their respective owners, who hold themselves responsible for any possible controversy that may arise with respect to them. In any case, the provider has express and prior authorization from them.
The provider expressly authorizes third parties to redirect directly to the specific content of the website, in any case redirecting to the provider's main website.
The provider acknowledges in favor of the owners the corresponding rights of intellectual and industrial property, their mere mention or appearance on the website not implying the existence of rights or any responsibility on them, as well as endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by the same.
To make any kind of remark regarding possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as any content of the website, you can do so through email as follows:
Applicable Law and Jurisdiction
For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities developed therein, Spanish legislation will apply, to which the parties expressly submit, the Courts and Tribunals of Valencia being competent to resolve all disputes arising or related to its use.
Research, development, and innovation
At Carbonell Borja we have always opted for innovation and development, as well as for the constant research for solutions for the business development. We present an exclusive, specialised, and technologically advanced department, targeting the solving of new challenges. The continued use of improvements in the company’s quality processes has led not only to an increase in the number of customers, but also in the sectors that are being worked on. Without forgetting the constant involvement in investing in new developments or the opening to new markets.
Carbonell Borja can offer a full range of products for conveying and transmission such as:
Even if the company just targeted the textile industries in its beginning, nowadays, it has presence in such diverse sectors as: